NORD-ETH LP (UNI-V2) Staking Guide

πŸ‘‰Step 0: Stake Uni-V2-LP tokens

You need to set Ethereum mainnet as your network in your metamask or any other wallet that you are using.

  • Go and switch to the Staking tab.

  • Enter the amount of NORD-ETH UNI LP token to be staked. It shows the available amount of UNI-LP tokens in your wallet under the input box.

  • After clicking β€œStake”, a popup message will appear where you can utilize the toggle button to select either infinite approval or normal approval. Go ahead by clicking β€œYes and Continue”.

  • Now you are ought to receive the Metamask popup message which will allow you to either β€œConfirm” or β€œReject” the transaction for allowance approval.

  • Once you have selected the option β€œConfirm”, the transaction will effectively take place. Within a matter of a few seconds, the initiated allowance approval process will commence.

  • When the transaction is complete, you should receive a Metamask pop-up message for you to either β€œConfirm” or β€œReject” the transaction for the stake.

  • Once you have selected β€œConfirm” the transaction will take place. Give it time to go through, you have now initiated the Staking process.

  • When the transaction is complete, the staked amount will be reflected on the Dashboard.

πŸ‘‰Step 1: Claim NORD

  • Click the Claim option in order to receive the NORD token accrued for the staked amount.

  • After clicking β€œClaim”, your Metamask will show a pop-up message allowing for you to either β€œConfirm” or β€œReject” the transaction for claiming staking reward.

  • Once you select β€œConfirm”, the transaction will seamlessly take place. While you give some time, you have now initiated the Claim Reward process.

  • When the transaction is complete, you should receive Nord tokens in your Metamask wallet and the same will be reflected on the Dashboard.

πŸ‘‰Step 2: Unstake UNI-V2-LP tokens

  • You need to use toggle the button to switch to the Unstake option.

  • Click the Unstake button to unstake the staked amount.

  • Now you are ought to receive the Metamask popup message which will allow you to either β€œConfirm” or β€œReject” the transaction for Unstake.

  • Once you select β€œConfirm”, the transaction will take place. Within a matter of seconds, you have now initiated the Unstake process.

  • When the transaction is complete, you should receive Unstaked tokens in Metamask Wallet. The same will be reflected on the Dashboard.

Congratulations on making it! We have now effortlessly concluded all the current functionality processes of Nord Staking.

Last updated